The new support for many different model providers (e.g. Together, Grok, Anthropic) is amazing. However, on the occasions when new models come out (like Llama-3), it is suboptimal to wait for an update of this app to have access to them, and I'm sure annoying for you to have to do as well. There may be a nice solution to this: model providers which adhere to the OpenAI spec will typically provide a GET /models endpoint, like so:
which returns an object in this format:
"object": "list",
"data": [
"id": "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613",
"object": "model",
"created": 1685474247,
"owned_by": "openai"
or in Together's case, a list like:
[{"id":"Austism/chronos-hermes-13b","object":"model","created":1692896905,"type":"chat","display_name":"Chronos Hermes (13B)","organization":"Austism","link":"","license":"other","context_length":2048,"pricing":{"hourly":0,"input":0.3,"output":0.3,"base":0,"finetune":0}},
It would be awesome to have a button somewhere that automatically gets all the available models (or maybe just the ability to specify a custom model name for some API).
Thanks again for making such a useful tool!